You, the petitioner

Solidarity in the Kingdom: help the Caribbean Section

8,312 signatures

The worldwide COVID-19 crisis has hit the Caribbean section of the Kingdom of the Netherlands hard socially and economically. The King and the Government of the Netherlands are called upon to demonstrate solidarity with the Dutch Caribbean citizens who are part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and provide IMMEDIATE assistance in order to avoid a humanitarian disaster within the Kingdom.



Citizens of CuraƧao, Aruba, Bonaire, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius, Saba as well as others within the Kingdom of the Netherlands and concerned citizens from other countries


establish that:

  • That the measures taken locally to limit the fast and uncontrolled spread of the COVID-19 virus are resulting in extreme social-economic consequences for the Dutch Caribbean islands and their residents;

  • That acute poverty is now threatening the wellbeing of many children and elderly;

  • That there is a growing concern about the lack of income and the continued availability of basic needs such as food supplies and utilities;

  • That a humanitarian crisis inside the Kingdom of the Netherlands should be avoided;

  • That the tireless work performed by local entities is not enough to suppress such a crisis. Help is needed NOW for hospitals, bridge financing resources made available for employers, employees and the less fortunate in society, as well as guarantees for food supplies, utilities and public safety.


and request

consideration to be given to this EMERGENCY CALL for solidarity with the Dutch Caribbean islands. Demonstrate the solidarity that is the foundation of the Charter of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: HELP! HELP US! HELP NOW!

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Elizabeth Francisco 
Burgerinitiatief solidariteit in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden 

